How to Use a Syringe to Get Pregnant

At home insemination, sometimes referred to as the "turkey-baster method" is a way to assist conception by placing the sperm in the woman's vagina, similar to a doctor-performed intrauterine insemination. Although IUI should only be done by a doctor in a medical setting, at home insemination can help a woman conceive when there is some trouble getting the sperm to the correct location for fertilization.

Prepare the items necessary for the insemination. Wash your hands and genitals in a mild soap, and lay out the syringe and collection medium within easy reach.

Collect the semen in the sterile collection cup or condom by masturbation or intercourse. Be careful not to touch the inside of the cup or condom, and do not scoop any spilled ejaculate back into the container.

Draw back the plunger of the empty syringe, pulling in air, and depress to expel the air. Insert the end of the plunger into the collected semen and draw back on the plunger to pull the semen into the syringe.

Hold the syringe vertically, plunger side down, and tap to release any air bubbles.

Insert the syringe into the vagina as close to the cervix as possible. Do not attempt to insert the syringe into the cervix; this can cause irritation and infection.

Depress the syringe slowly, inserting the sperm into the cervical mucus.

If possible, use clitoral stimulation to have an orgasm. This causes the cervix to draw sperm upward and into the uterus, giving the best chance of fertilization.


Medical syringes can be found at most drugstores; your doctor may also be willing to provide you with supplies.


Do not attempt to get sperm into the cervix--this is an IUI and should be done by a doctor only.
