Signs of a Miscarriage at 9 Weeks
A miscarriage that occurs at nine weeks is often likened to a regular menstrual period; however, unlike a menstrual period, a miscarriage is a medical emergency that should be treated as such with a call to your doctor and/or a trip to the hospital. In some cases, dilation and curettage is required to remove all fetal matter and prevent further complications from occurring. There are several signs of a miscarriage at nine weeks.
Absence of Pregnancy Symptoms
Oftentimes, a woman who has pregnancy symptoms such as fatigue or morning sickness may notice that these symptoms go away just before the miscarriage. One reason for this is that the fetus and placenta aren’t growing. Additionally, the pregnancy hormones aren’t as strong as when the pregnancy was thriving.
Vaginal Bleeding and Discharge
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Vaginal bleeding, which may be light and spotty or extremely heavy is a sign of a miscarriage at nine weeks. Any vaginal bleeding that soaks through an overnight maxi pad in an hour or less warrants a trip to the emergency room. In some cases, the passage of fetal matter may be noted; this matter is pinkish-gray and should be collected in a clean container for examination at the hospital. Additionally, a small gush of clear or pink-tinged fluid may be noted.
Cramping, much like normal cramping during menstruation, may occur during a miscarriage at nine weeks. The cramping may come and go, or it may be constant. It is usually situated in the lower abdomen and lower back. However, the cramping usually isn’t as severe as labor contractions.
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Any woman who is having a miscarriage is at risk for infection—particularly if the miscarriage is incomplete. An incomplete miscarriage means that there is still fetal matter in the uterus. Signs of an infection include a thick and foul vaginal discharge, fever, chills and flu-like symptoms.