How to Add Oatmeal to Similac Baby Milk
Parents, well-meaning relatives and some health-care professionals often recommend adding baby oatmeal and cereals to infant formula to help babies sleep or to treat reflux. However, this practice has not been proven effective for either scenario. Generally, parents should not introduce solids to children under 4 months old. When your child is ready for solids, you can mix Similac formula with baby oatmeal until you’ve achieved the desired consistency. Talk with your child’s pediatrician for advice on starting solids.
In a Bottle
Prepare your baby’s bottle using Similac baby formula by following the package's instructions. Depending on the product type you are using, you may need to mix powdered formula with water, add water to a concentrated liquid formula, or simply pour ready-to-feed Similac formula into the bottle. Similac prints clear and easy-to-follow directions on each package, so follow them closely.
Add 1 teaspoon of baby oatmeal per ounce of formula, or as directed by your physician.
Shake the bottle well to mix the formula thoroughly.
Place a Y or crosscut nipple on the bottle. Adding oatmeal to the formula thickens it, so it would clog a regular nipple. Purchase these nipples in the store or cut a small slit in the opening of the nipple.
Monitor your child when giving thickened formula to ensure that the thickness does not cause choking. Only thicken formula under a physician’s direct guidance.
In a Bowl

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Pour one serving of dry baby oatmeal into a small bowl.
Add 1 tablespoon of formula per serving and mix well with the spoon. You can increase or decrease the amount of Similac added to the oatmeal to achieve the oatmeal’s desired consistency. Younger babies just starting on solids benefit from thinner oatmeal, whereas older babies can handle thicker oatmeal without a problem.
Feed the oatmeal to your baby using a rubber-coated spoon to avoid hurting her gums.