Reasons for Sudden Breast Growth
Both women and men can experience sudden breast growth, though it is much for common for women. Breast growth is often due to normal, hormonal changes. But sometimes, it is a symptom of an underlying medical condition. Here are possible reasons for breast to suddenly increase in size:
Breast Growth in Men
Gynecomastia can also affect males at other points in their lives, including right after birth and between ages 50-80, per the Cleveland Clinic. Additionally, certain medical conditions such as:
- liver disease
- hypogonadism
- hyperthyroidism
- or tumors in the tesitcals or adrenal glands can cause gynecomastia
Changes in Weight

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Weight gain can cause breasts to grow in both women and men. Gaining weight causes excess fat deposits, meaning fat can accumulate in the breasts, causing them to grow, according to Harvard Medical School.
It makes sense that weight gain can cause breast growth. But it may surprise you to learn that a severe lack of nutrition can cause breast growth in men. When the male body is malnourished, testosterone levels drop but estrogen levels stay the same, per the Mayo Clinic. As discussed, higher estrogen levels can cause gynecomastia.
Pregnancy and Breast Growth
Female breasts tend to grow larger during the menstrual cycle, according to Johns Hopkins Medicine. In the second half of the cycle-- after ovulation-- a key female hormone called progesterone stimulates the formation of milk glands in the breast. This can cause breast swelling, soreness, and tenderness. If a woman doesn't become pregnant, breasts will return to their normal size.
If conception does occur, the body will continue to release progesterone, per Johns Hopkins Medicine. Breast growth, along with breast soreness or a tingling sensation in the nipples is one of the earliest signs of pregnancy. Breasts will continue to grow until about the 5th or 6th month of pregnancy by which point the breast are fully capable of producing milk for the baby once it's born.
Read more: Hormone Treatments for Breast Growth
A Possible Breast Infection

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The symptoms of mastitis can appear very quickly, per the Mayo Clinic. One of the most common symptoms is swelling in the affected breast. Other symptoms include:
- breast tenderness
- skin that is warm to the touch
- pain or a burning sensation
- skin redness,
- flu-like symptoms including a fever
Mastitis is usually cleared up with antibiotics.
Inflammatory Breast Cancer
The most common symptoms of IBC include:
- breast swelling in the affected breast
- red or purple colored skin,
- dimpling or thickening of the breast skin
- like the peel of an orange
- per the American Cancer Society
Related Articles
- Johns Hopkins Medicine: "Normal Breast Development and Changes"
- Mayo Clinic: "Enlarged Breasts in Men (Gynecomastia)"
- Cleveland Clinic: "Enlarged Male Breast Tissue (Gynecomastia)"
- Harvard Medical School: "What Could Cause My Breasts to Become Larger?"
- Mayo Clinic: "Mastitis"
- American Cancer Society: "Inflammatory Breast Cancer"