How to Read Clearblue Pregnancy Tests
The Clearblue Easy +/- Results Pregnancy Test with Color Change Tip and the Clearblue Easy Digital Pregnancy Test both have fast, easy-to-read results. Each test has a display window on the front of the test stick. The display window of the +/- test is made up of a larger, circle-shaped area that is the results window and a smaller, diamond-shaped area that is the control window. It is important to take the test properly to ensure accurate results.
Perform each test by holding the absorbent tip at a downward angle in your urine stream for five seconds. Alternately, you can urinate into a clean, dry cup, and then place the absorbent tip of the +/- test at a downward angle in the cup for five seconds. If you are using the digital test, place the absorbent tip in the cup of urine for 20 seconds.
Lay the test on a flat surface, with the display window facing up, and examine the test for signs that it is working. The tests are working if the absorbent tip on the +/- test turned pink as the urine was absorbed and if an hourglass symbol begins to flash on the display window of the digital test.
Wait the specified amount of time for each test. If you are using the +/- results test, you should wait two minutes before reading the test. A blue line appears in the control window if the test has worked. If you are using the digital test, wait three minutes before attempting to read the test. Results show up on this type of test when the hourglass symbol stops flashing.
Read the results. In the results window of the +/- test, a positive result shows up as a horizontal line and a vertical line that cross to form a plus sign (+), and a negative result shows up as a single horizontal line that forms a minus sign (-). This type of test has examples of positive and negative results printed on the front of the test stick, beside the display window. The result is positive even if the two lines that make up the plus sign are not exactly the same shade of color. Results of the digital test show up as one or two words on the display window: “pregnant” for a positive result or “not pregnant” for a negative result.
Although you can take a pregnancy test at anytime of day, it is better to take the test first thing in the morning. This is when your urine has the highest concentration of the pregnancy hormone that is detected by pregnancy tests.
The +/- test did not work if either the results window or control window remains blank after 10 minutes. The digital test did not work if the hourglass symbol did not appear or if, after the hourglass symbol stops flashing, the screen goes blank or the symbols of a book and arrow appear in the display window.
Do not read the +/- test after 10 minutes. An evaporation line can appear, which you may misinterpret as a positive result. The results of the digital test will display and remain visible for approximately 24 hours.
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- Clearblue Easy +/- Results Pregnancy Test with Color Change Tip: Package Insert
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