Backache and Cramping at Five Weeks Pregnant
You just found out you are pregnant, but now you're experiencing symptoms that leave you concerned, such as backache and cramping. You might fear that these common PMS symptoms might signal a problem with your pregnancy and the early stages of a miscarriage. These symptoms, however, can be common during early pregnancy for many women.
It is possible that you will deal with backache throughout your pregnancy. During your third trimester, the increased weight from your belly can result in lower back pain. Early on, even as early as five weeks, backache is also common. Many early pregnancy symptoms mimic premenstrual symptoms, and backache falls into this category. Thus, a dull--but tolerable--backache is not cause for concern by itself at five weeks pregnant.

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Cramping at five weeks pregnant in a healthy pregnancy is caused by implantation. When the egg implants itself into your uterine wall, it is possible you will experience some dull cramping similar to premenstrual cramps. Extremely painful cramps can signal a problem with the pregnancy, so contact your obstetrician or midwife if you have debilitating cramps at five weeks pregnant.
At five weeks pregnant, the best treatment for backache and cramps is no treatment. If you had experienced these symptoms leading up to your period, you might have used a heating pad or ibuprofen to dull the pain. During this fragile stage of early pregnancy, it is best to kick up your feet, relax and deal with these uncomfortable symptoms without any treatment.

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Since backache and cramping are often normal around five weeks pregnant, you do not have to rush to your doctor if you experience these symptoms. If, however, the backache or cramps intensify and become unbearable, give your provider a call. If they are accompanied by any bleeding, also call you doctor. While implantation can cause spotting, heavy, red, period-like bleeding can indicate a miscarriage.