How to Treat Stomach Cramps in a Baby After Solid Food
Making the transition to eating solid foods is an important milestone for both baby and his parents.
A baby’s digestive system must adjust to the new foods and can cause baby to be cranky and feel uncomfortable. Babies can be introduced to solid foods between four to six months old. The introduction of these foods can cause stomach cramps and gas. Because baby must be encouraged to eat solid foods, it is important for parents to be able to treat stomach cramps.
Burp baby to help relieve gas. Stomach cramps are generally caused by the buildup of gas during digestion. Helping baby to relieve that gas can result in relieving cramps. Support baby on one shoulder and lightly but firmly pat baby on the back. Within a few minutes, baby should burp a couple of times.
Let baby rest for 30 to 60 minutes after eating and once cramps begin. Particularly in the early stages, it can take some time for baby’s stomach to digest the foods. It’s important not to force the baby to eat the full serving of food, recommends New Mexico State University. Give the baby’s stomach time to complete digestion.
Give baby a massage to provide comfort and aid in digestion. Support baby on one shoulder and gently rub baby’s back in a slow, circular motion. Baby may burp during this time as gas is released. Once baby feels comfortable, bring her down and rub her stomach in the same circular motion.
Help baby exercise to prevent constipation and increase bowel movement. While baby is calm, lay him on his back and “bicycle” his legs, recommends. Bicycling involves holding baby’s legs and moving them in a circular motion.
Introduce liquid once baby’s symptoms seem to be less severe, states Constipation can also cause stomach cramps. Ensuring that baby has consumed enough fluids helps food to digest properly. Take a slow approach, allowing baby to sip liquid slowly. Rapid sucking often introduces additional air into baby’s stomach, worsening the cramps.
Monitor the development of any additional symptoms. Excessive gas, vomiting or diarrhea may signal a food allergy or another condition, warns Parents should notify baby's pediatrician and provide details on the foods eaten.