Early Signs of Implantation Pregnancy
Implantation bleeding is one of the earliest pregnancy symptoms. Approximately six to 12 days after conception, an embryo implants itself into the female’s uterine wall, according to the American Pregnancy Association. During this time, some women experience several early signs that they have successfully conceived, such as light spotting and/or moderate cramping that lasts for several days. If implantation isn't successful, the egg flushes out of the body with the normal menstrual flow.
Light Spotting
Light spotting that occurs approximately seven to 10 days past ovulation may indicate a successful early implantation pregnancy, according to the website FertilityFriend.com. When an egg travels down the Fallopian tube and implants in the uterine wall, a few drops of blood may move through the woman’s cervix and down her vagina, causing light spotting or implantation bleeding. The light spotting that occurs during implantation usually contains a small amount of pinkish or brownish blood that doesn't resemble a normal menstrual period. One-third of pregnant women experience light spotting around implantation, according to the website Baby Med.
Temperature Shift
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A shift in temperature following ovulation may signal early implantation. The website Just Mommies says some women may experience an increase in progesterone levels shortly after the embryo has implanted in their uterine wall, causing a slight increase in body temperature. If implantation doesn't occur during the cycle, a woman’s progesterone levels rapidly decrease. This causes a temperature drop a day before or the day of menstruation.
Decreased Temperature
A brief decrease in body temperature can signal an early implantation pregnancy. Some women experience an “implantation dip” or a one-day decrease in temperature seven to 10 days after ovulation that alerts them that they have conceived, according to the website Baby Corner. Following ovulation, a woman’s progesterone levels increase, causing an elevated temperature. Toward the end of a woman’s monthly cycle, her progesterone levels decrease, causing a slight decline in temperature. If implantation occurs, the woman experiences another increase in progesterone. This causes her temperature to rise again. The website Baby Med says that if the woman implants the embryo, her temperature remains elevated for the first 10 to 11 weeks of pregnancy. A dip in temperature followed by a rise in temperature may be an early sign of conception.